
Monday, August 19, 2013

Yang: Fire and Earth; Yin Metal, Water and Wood Assessment

Fire is the dominant element in this assessment, followed by Earth.

You are a connector and communicator; you are passionate about what you say and do.  You have a strong connection to your ecosystems:  family, friends, colleagues etc.  A healthy amount of fire is nourishing, lively and adds excitement.  Your personal warmth draws people to you and you make people feel wrapped in warmth as well.

Earth is the element of the physical and tangible.  Fire burns wood which feeds the Earth and the numbers show a nourishing cycle.  That feeling of being Present, Grounded and connected is important to you and you seek ways to cultivate it in your life.  You take action and are accountable for your words and actions.

These two elements together bring to mind:  You stand up for what you believe in.

The yin/inner elements are Metal, Water and Wood.

Metal is connected to the Children and Creativity Gua.  It is the home of Joy!  Having fun, being creative, colorful bubbles up from deep within you.  Laughter is an expression of this joy.  This element is also the thinking part of you, the intellectual.  We draw metal from the earth and can mold into whatever we choose. Again an expression of your creativity.

Water is going with the flow of life and we use water to control Fire when it is dominant.  There is an imbalance between the two elements in the assessment and that may be present in feeling stuck, going against the flow, or not feeling the flow you want.  There may be lots of thinking going on and you may be keeping this to yourself.  Not seeking out Helpful People, literally or energetically.  I invite you to consider where the idea of "diving in" or creating a wave for yourself in order to remove the blockages of your flow.

Wood is required to fuel the Fire.  The current assessment would suggest that you may be at the beginning of something.  That being open-minded, being open to trust and accept guidance may be in your life presently.  I invite you to nurture the seeds of your knowledge and wisdom, and trust in the process.

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